After what feels like forever, the Charming’s are finally both awake and reunited!  The second half of season six has spent a significant amount of time focusing on Snow and David fighting to break the Evil Queen’s spell, keeping one of them asleep at all times.  The angst added a nice bit of drama to the storyline, but I think everyone was rooting for this fan favorite couple to be reunited (including me).

The downside?  Although Regina and Zelena were able to help break the curse and wake both of them up – it’s only temporary.  At the end of the day, both of them be asleep at this time and it looks like Emma will be facing her “final battle” alone.


In other relationship news, Hook and Emma were also brought back together, as Hook finally made his way back to Storybrooke after his brief run-in with Tiger Lily and some of the Lost Boys, who weren’t too happy about Pan’s demise.  He can’t seem to do it on his own, so Emma manages to make her way to Neverland and pull Hook back into Storybrooke with her.  Hook knows what his priorities are and promptly re-proposes to Emma in what was actually a better proposal than the first one!  Captain Swan shippers everywhere have to be ecstatic!

In other news, it turns out that the wedding will be in the musical episode that we’ve all been waiting for – May 7th!  I’m interested to see some of the other hidden talents of the actors/actresses on the show.

What did everyone think of the episode?  Comment below!

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