I was skeptical to hear that the second episode of this winter’s Teen Wolf was supposed to be better than the killer premiere, but they not only managed it this week, I can’t wait to watch it again. Your Teen Wolf review starts NOW…
**** Spoilers Below****
As good as last week’s premiere was to reconnect us to our favorite pack, tonight’s episode jumped into the journey with introducing the dread doctor’s bestial creation, the Beast of Gévaudan, and it’s scare factor is chilling with it already starting to ravage Beacon Hills.
No surprise here, but Scott is my favorite character. It is so fascinating watching him reclaim his alpha status, step by step, during this part of the season. Still healing, and without what seems most of his werewolf powers right now, all he has is himself. We all know this won’t last. Scott is at his best when he is with his friends, his pack, and since Scott is getting them back, of course, it has to start with Stiles. He got some help from Stilinski who was talking with Stiles about his inner demons. Even though the sheriff doesn’t have
many heart to heart talks with his son, this time he nailed it. Each of the kids are where they are at because they don’t believe they can get past the hurt they are feeling or the hurt they have caused. I loved when Stilinski suggested that if Stiles couldn’t forgive himself (yet) maybe he could forgive someone else (Scott).
It was so AWESOME to have Scott and Stiles together again. The boys are back and soon enough the pack will follow. We already get Kira’s return, even if it wasn’t in Beacon Hills. Once she has worked through her inner demons, she will be there for Scott and their friends. Same thing for Malia, she didn’t help Scott because she is is on her own path right now with Braeden. I have said this before and will continue, I don’t care why Braeden is on screen, I am just happy when it happens. This time, it is helping Malia find the Desert Wolf who interestingly
enough has Deaton. Lydia continues to be in Eichen House, with what seems to be an ensemble of people who will be training her to augment her banshee powers. This week even comatose, Meredith Walkers, another banshee, comes to Lydia in some sort of out of body experience telling her she would train her to use her banshee cry as a weapon. We have all seen what this will look like in the first scene this year, now we get to see her journey.
It’s obvious that Scott’s pack will have their own personal path, eventually this will bring them back together, stronger, to defeat not only the beast and the dread doctors, but also Theo. I know Theo is trying to say, “hey let’s all work together” but if there is anyone out there who actually trust’s him, I am sorry for you. He resurrected his own pack of chimera to have power, and he showed this episode, that he wants to control them. What a turn of events that it might just be Liam who becomes Theo’s nemesis because of how Theo is treating Hayden. Probably, while Scott, Stiles and Lydia will be dealing with the dread doctors and their beast, I am guessing Liam gets to go toe to toe with Theo. At this point, it’s all speculative, at the same time it would be amazing to see.
Best scene for this episode was the chimera pack surrounding Scott and Stiles. Even hurt, Scott brought out everything he had to protect himself and his best friend, it was most excellent to see the red eyes if only for a second. Theo was testing his new pack, as well as Scott.
Each week is getting more and more awesome. The journeys continue for Kira in the wilderness against the ancient skin walkers, for Malia and Braeden finding the Desert Wolf. Lydia continues to master her own powers with Parrish who never seems too far away from her.
Don’t miss watching Scott, Stiles, Liam and Hayden and so much more on Teen Wolf every Tuesday night on MTV.