What if there was a kingdom where music was the ultimate power? It can keep the peace, make people happy… or kill. Also, what if some people had to wear a tattoo that prevents them from singing. That’s the premise behind Muzzled, a web musical that includes Juliet Landau of Buffy and Angel, Jeff Lewis of The Guild and Kevin Sorbo of Hercules.
The story: there was a war in the kingdom of Serenadia between the Golden King (Kevin Sorbo) and the Black Matron (Juliet Landau). He won thanks to his song, and decreed that all Blackhearts (those who supported the Matron) wear a tattoo that punishes them if they try to sing. Twenty years later, the Matron’s daughter Malfalia (Ashly Burch) is determined to shed her Muzzle and sing. She meets her idol, Princess
Ambrosia (Ashley Clements), whose dad is the Golden King. She tricks Malf into triggering her Muzzle because she’s apparently meaner than the Matron. She even has her own princess posse, and thinks she can get away with anything because her dad saved the kingdom. That might include taking his crown.
Malf, though, keeps singing through the pain and shatters her muzzle. She vows revenge, with help from a couple of friends, by infiltrating royal society to break the status quo and the muzzles that are keeping her people from the power of song. Thing is, those who lost the war, including the Matron and her assistant Krampus (Joey Richter), work for the Golden King… and they may have some ideas of upsetting everything, too. Captain Hook, played by Lewis, is also involved because he’s dating the Matron, and has to wear a muzzle because of a misunderstanding.
This series could be called “Game of Musical Thrones, you sing or you die.”
The musical is created by Matthew Mercer and Zach Grafton, who together made a spoof of Game of Thrones called School of Thrones. Mercer is also a familiar voice in several popular video games and cartoons including Attack on Titan, The Last of Us and Thundercats.
Jason Charles Miller, who fronts the heavy metal group Godhead, will be writing the songs. He also composed music for The Disney Channel’s Teen Beach Movie, The Guild, Queen of the Damned and True Blood.
The producers hope to raise 45 thousand dollars for the first season by July 2nd, and they are well on their way. Of course, there will be rewards, depending on the donation. They also plan on inviting some of the donators to be part of the musical, once the goal is reached.
Donations can be sent to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matthewmercer/muzzled-the-musical, but the video that introduces the project must be seen to be believed.
It may be the best pitch for donations ever heard on Kickstarter.
Visit the site, and see if you agree Muzzled should be unleashed online.