The video can be seen at . It shows Zaboo (Sandeep Parikh) trying to convince Codex (Felicia Day) to put down her book and play on-line with him. Their room suddenly changes into a Bollywood movie, and it’s not long before she gets into the spirit. We see Tink (Amy Okuda) as a Hindu goddess, Zaboo showing some serious martial arts moves, and Vork (Jeff Lewis) sporting sunglasses and six arms. We also see Clara (Robin Thorsen)  and Bladezz (Vincent Caso) enjoyng the scene, and there’s even an elephant.

The video will be available on iTunes and Amazon next week, along with epsiode three of the show, which was also previewed at Comic-Con.

Also, fans got a preview of the next Guild comic book mini-series, which Dark Horse will release next year. The first issue will feature Vork, with this cover…

It was written by Jeff Lewis and Felicia Day.

The other four issues will feature the rest of the Knights of Good.


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