Barrowman, who flies to the US on Thursday to begin shooting a 6-episode stint on Desperate Housewives, says of Glee: "I absolutely love the show. What would I play in it? I’m not sure what kind of character I’d like to play, maybe I could be a teacher, you know, another teacher who comes in and helps out… That’s me just kind of brainstorming but the fact that they want to have a meeting with me is really quite nice in itself, it’s so exciting!"
Of his Desperate gig, he told "I just got the script last night. He is the most evil character they’ve ever introduced to the series. And that’s saying something!"
‘I’ve been told I’ll not only be involved in what they call ‘the current storyline,’ but I’ll affect every single housewife on the street. I can’t wait!
The Torchwood/Doctor Who star is also a big fan of the show and the cast as he exclaims "I’m going to be having my Starbucks in the morning with Eva Longoria. Woohoo!"
John also revealed that while there still isn’t a green light on a new Torchwood series, he did say "If I’m asked to go back and do Torchwood, I will at the drop of a hat go and do it. It’s just a question of when."
"But if they were to ask me to come back, of course I would. Look, Captain Jack changed my life. I’m not going to dump him."
And while John says that he is not in the new series of Doctor Who, he has written a track on his new self-titled album in honor of David Tennant’s 10th Doctor, entitled "The Doctor And I", a version of the "The Wizard And I" from the musical Wicked. John says "That song is a thank you to all of my fans."
The album John Barrowman was released March 1 in the UK. According to, it is scheduled for US release March 9.