If you live in or near Toronto, then grab your lab coat and goggles, because the Toronto Browncoats are having a Dr. Horrible Sign-Along Blog screening on Sept. 28.
On Saturday, October 26, 2013, Whedonopolis/Fandom Charities, Inc. will again be bringing the fun in with our 6th Annual Whedonopolis Halloween Charity Event, featuring screenings of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog and the sixth and final season of The Guild. TICKETS GO ON SALE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH.
Well before the party started, the line forming outside looked for all the world like an Important Special Screening, which, of course, it was. The 300 tickets for the charity screening of Buffy’s musical episode ‘Once More with Feeling’ and Angel’s puppet "Smile Time" took less than three weeks to sell out, once they became available online. In addition to the cost of tickets, "goodie bags" were sold with such treasures as bubble-blowers, glow-in-the-dark vampire teeth, Sunnydale Parking Violations (specially designed by Alikhat), light sticks and "Grr-Argh" finger puppets, that are vital to audience participation in the show. Drawing tickets gave people a shot at owning their own Puppet Angel doll from Sideshow Collectibles or a complete set of Spike: Asylum comics from IDW Comics. Also, items unique to the evening, buttons and bookmarks, were given to those filing in, loudly handed out by Suzanne as "two pieces of crap! Have you got your two pieces of crap?" Never were two pieces of crap more highly prized.
SIX DEGREES OF GEEK is a production of Fandom Charities Inc.® , a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2007 for the purpose of raising funds for charitable organizations through fandom events, providing educational activities, and to serve as a hub for the latest news and happenings in the creative universe of selected fandoms. We are 100% volunteer.