Jemma Simmons is still trying to find her once and future husband, Leo Fitz, somewhere in the stars. This week, she gets pretty close, but someone else thinks this is tampering with the universe. Fitz, gets help in being a high roller in deep space.
This episode set in a gambling planet seems like filler thoughit adds some interesting points to Jemma’s search for Fitz. Remember, Fitz died at the end of season five, but she hopes she can claim his past body which supposedly was sleeping peacefully in order to get to her in the future.
Thing is, wouldn’t that screw up a timeline somewhere, causing a problem more complex than Avengers Endgame?
Brent Fletcher | … | (written by) & |
Craig Titley | … | (written by) |
This episode set in a gambling planet seems like filler thoughit adds some interesting points to Jemma’s search for Fitz. Remember, Fitz died at the end of season five, but she hopes she can claim his past body which supposedly was sleeping peacefully in order to get to her in the future.
Thing is, wouldn’t that screw up a timeline somewhere, causing a problem more complex than Avengers Endgame?

That’s what this guy seems concerned about. Malachi (Christopher James Baker) is very interested in Enoch and Fitz, not just because of a bounty.
Back in the Zephyr, the crew is very tired and upset and don’t think going to Naro-Atzia will get them closer to Fitz. Jemma will not be denied and she can’t give up. Thanks to a guy named Pryce (Clark Middleton), they’re forced to land anyway. Something about red tape and filling out forms.
Enoch (Joel Stoffer) and Fitz do make it to Kitson, a grimy version of a remote gambling town. They get robbed of their ship and get only one lousy chip. Enoch suggest they gamble to get a new ship as he’s aware of the alien gambling games. He’s no high roller, but has enough knowledge to get them extra cash for a drink or two.

Again, the relationship between Fitz and Enoch is one of the best things about the season. Enoch actually enjoys this, as much as a Chromicom can, while Fitz just wants Jemma back, as do the fans.

Jemma and Daisy figure out where Fitz went and Pryce expresses why he thinks Kitson’s an awful place (it’s not like Florida, no matter what Piper says). The bounty hunter then shoots Daisy, and insists he gets Fitz because he’s “out of time”. Daisy recovers and the hunter is captured for now.
BTW George Kitson is the story editor. Get it?
From there, the episode splits in two, putting Fitz and the gals in very odd situations.
Fitz finds himself in a very deadly version of blackjack where getting 14 can kill you. Literally. Enoch tries to help with high-pitched signals to let him know when to hit or stand.
More attention is given to Daisy and Jemma when they eat alien snacks that have the potency of LSD, Quaaludes and the VIP alcohol candies that tricked Rock Hudson and Doris Day into marrying each other in Lover Come Back. Seeing them giggling and being fascinated by weird colors and Fitz dancing on a straw in a monkey suit is cute, but they do this for a bit too long. It’s still like the bachelorette party Jemma never had.

Eventually the bounty hunter escapes and contacts someone. Then Enoch seems to be hacked. He figures out other Chromicoms are after him and Fitz, and it likely includes the bounty hunter.
At this point, Enoch gives up, and this is terrible to watch. Even though he may have done things his kind shouldn’t do, he’s still supposed to protect Fitz. If they survive, Enoch can still be a SHIELD asset. Seeing Enoch give up was the worst part, and he shouldn’t do that again.
Fitz gets it together and reassures Enoch, insisting he’s still a good friend. That helps them escape, and Fitz does find Jemma at last. Daisy gets sober enough to put down the Chromicom hunters, still needing Jemma to help her aim.
Unfortunately the bounty hunter grabs Fitz and disappears. Then Enoch sees Jemma, and wonders why she’s there… and whether the flow of time could be in big trouble.
Meanwhile on Earth, Sarge and Jaco finally use that big gun that supposedly caused a lot of damage in the last planet they visited. Sarge fires into the sky, and lights up something. It’s not known what they’re after, but it’s still bad news.
The episode was a serious lull after a good start to the season. Fitz and Jemma did get their reunion, but it was short because it’s too early for love to triumph even at the face of ruining the space/time continuum. Telling Jemma that she can’t have the extra Fitz after the original one died is something no one will accept, especially her. It should be interesting how they get around this one.
Next week, Sarge’s plan continues, and someone finally returns.