When SyFy channel announced they were making a prequel to the Superman saga called Krypton, cautious optimism seemed the way to go.  However, after talking with Cameron Cuffe (Seyg El), executive producers Damien Kindler and Cameron Welsh, full blown enthusiasm is more on point.  The story takes place a few generations ago and delves into the history of Krypton and the class system it utilized to create a utopia for the chosen few.  But it also centers around… wait for it… time travel.  The story starts on Earth in 2018 as a plot to stop Superman from being born.  All the best science fiction combined with super heroes, who could ask for more?  See if the interviews below convince you.




Krypton doesn’t premiere on SyFy Channel until 2018, but they gave us this little tidbit of a teaser.





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