Arrow returns with a vengeance this week! Green Arrow is on the hunt for Damien Darhk, and he is not stopping until he avenges Felicity. Also a new villain steps out of the darkness, Anarchy appears and he is out for blood against Darhk himself.
This entire season Oliver Queen has been “heroing” differently. He has been aware of how much violence he enacts on bad guys, against the ghosts and even Vandal Savage. This evening he, and Diggle, took a few steps backwards towards the “Hood” days. This evening, for the most part, was Ollie’s reaction to Darhk’s assault on him and the woman he loved. Felicity was in the hospital undergoing several surgeries, ultimately not knowing if she was going to live. If you can imagine all that rage, then you understand Green Arrow’s focus against the ghosts. Likewise, we saw John brutally attack his brother demanding answers about Damien Darhk,
and this time Diggle didn’t hold back against his brother.
Oliver’s vengeance against Darhk was a regression from where he had come earlier this season. His clarity and joy was fighting for her life, and without Felicity, we see how Oliver becomes more and more reckless against the ghosts, even in freeing Lonnie Machin aka Anarchy from the police to send him against Darhk. Also, by freeing him, Machin becomes this week’s antagonist, and what seems could be Speedy’s nemesis. Unfortunately, Anarchy seems more like a plot device than a real vigilante set up to introduce Darhk’s family and give Thea her own nemesis.
It was really surprising to see John be so hostile against Andy. Diggle was hurting like everyone else for Felicity’s condition, but he also lost himself to a dark place.
Fortunately, he has a great wife to remind him who he is and how much he would do anything for his friends and family, including his brother. A real theme that has been consistent is how each of the characters has their own personal hells to deal with, but that they don’t have to deal with them alone. This will be a thread that connects each of our heroes, that they are not alone. They have each other’s backs and they are stronger because of it.
Out of Zoom and now Vandal Savage, Damien Darhk is this season’s most terrifying villain. Even as we have seen that he is a family man, he is a villain at the center of who he is. He is steps ahead of Oliver, and tonight after Green Arrow rescued his family, Darhk stopped fighting him and gave him time to be with those he loved; he gave Green Arrow a pass. This villain is going to make the Green Arrow a better hero, a stronger hero, a hero Star City can be proud of.
The million dollar question right now is who is in the grave? I am sure some people thought it might be Felicity, but I knew better. At the same time did you see Oliver and Barry’s grief along with Felicity’s anger, whoever it is, they are very close to both Team Arrow and the Flash. Could it be Roy or maybe Felicity’s Mom, maybe one of the Lance’s? What we know so far is that two months have occurred since the premieres this season, so a lot is still going to be happening before that scene. Until then, Oliver will regain his vision and his clarity on who he is as a hero. One thing is for certain, Felicity is alive and from what it looks like from next week’s promo, she has some of her own demons to wrestle with after the attack.
Remember you can catch Arrow on the CW Wednesday nights at 8pm, 7 central.