UPDATE 3/2/13 12pm PST: See the pups in their new home!
UPDATE 2/16/13 10pm PST: Per the Official Robin Sachs Facebook page Tiny and Fiona have found a new home on a horse ranch in Montana! Click here for the details.
UPDATE 2/6/13 4pm PST: A source says that the dogs will be picked up from the shelter today by Robin’s ex (the police had placed them at the shelter when they entered his home). However, they STILL need a permanent home, so keep spreading the word!
The Whedonverse was deeply saddened this week to learn of the unexpected passing of actor Robin Sachs (Ethan Rayne, BtVS). To add to the tragedy, we have just found out that his two beloved dogs have been placed in a shelter in Los Angeles, and their number is up on March 1, 2013.
We are asking our readers to help get the word out via your social networks–electronic, real life or both–about the plight of these doggies who are in desperate need of a new home, preferably together.
Robin’s friends have posted on Facebook that the dogs are very friendly, well-trained, playful, sweet and loving with both people and other animals. The adorable photo circulating on Facebook shows both of them curled up together with a cat. There are also other photos of them cuddling and swimming with a young boy.
FIONA is a blonde pitbull, 6 years old, and TINY is a dark brownish grey pitbull/mastiff mix, 4 years old.
If you or someone you know is willing to adopt (ideally as a pair), please email your contact information and qualifications to robinsdogs@byronvo.com.
Let’s make this plea for help go viral to ensure that Robin’s beloved fur family finds a great new home!
Here are some photos of the pair shared with permission from Betina La Plante. Click on the thumbnails to see them fullsize.
- Tiny, Fiona and feline friend
- Tiny, Fiona and human friend
- Fiona, 6-year-old pitbull
- Tiny, a 4-year-old pitbull/mastiff
- Check out that smile from Fiona!
- Tiny running by the pool
- Fiona frolicking in the pool with a friend
- Fiona and Tiny just chillin’