James Marsters

James Marsters signing banner at Grand Slam 2007

Creation Entertainment’s Grand Slam Star Trek and Sci-Fi Summit in Burbank has just added someone who is well known for many shows, but mainly for one.  More after the jump… It’s James Marsters, best known as Spike on Buffy and Angel, but also well-known to fans of Torchwood, Smallville and Supernatural. He’ll have a Q & A session on February 16th and appear for autograph sessions on February 16th and 17th.

The Sci-Fi Grand Slam will be held at the Burbank Marriott (across the street from the Burbank Airport) on February 15, 16 and 17. It will feature the cast from Star Trek: The Next Generation including Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden and Marina Sirtis. It will also include David Giuntoli from Grimm, Ben Browder from Farscape, and Jesika Nicole from Fringe. There will also be a special preview of The Host, based on the book written by Twilight’s Stephanie Meyer.

Tickets are available now at Creation Entertainment’s website

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