EXCITING NEWS: You can hear also hear The Scoobies and the Newbie on Krypton Radio, CC2K.us, and Whedonopolis!




Cast members: Bryant Dillon, Barbra Dillon, Sam Rhodes, and special guest Tony Caballero of Whedonopolis.com


Featuring the song “Ooh, Mr. Mayor"
Written and performed by Karuna Tanahashi
Vocals Recorded and Musical Arrangements by David Bickford


Find more about Karuna and her awesome Buffy-themed songs at the following links:

Website: http://karunatanahashi.com/
YouTube Channel: JossJunkie
Twitter ID: karunatanahashi
Blog: http://karunatanahashi.blogspot.com


Did you miss the previous episodes of The Scoobies and the Newbie?  Not to worry!  Listen to the previous episodes here.

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