Buffyfest has a HUGE SPOILER about Dark Horse’s Buffy: Season 9!!! Someone’s getting a boo-boo!

What to Expect in Angel & Faith!!!
Writer Christos Gage talks to CBR about the return of Drusilla and the future appearance of Faith’s father! Gage also confirms that we will see Connor and at least one more old friend from the Angel TV show, as well as a couple of characters that Joss had planned to use in the proposed Ripper TV series!

Karl Moline back in the Fray???
CBR chats with the artist about his work on Fray and Buffy: Season 8, as well as the details of his upcoming issue of Buffy: Season 9. The story finds Buffy experiencing prophetic dreams and visions that seem to suggest the magic-less world will soon grow even darker, and Moline claims that nothing will ever be the same again. Should we expect the return of Fray? Here is Moline’s cryptic reply to that question:

"All I can say is that you should definitely expect the unexpected," the artist said. "There is a long-lost Slayer who comes back to say nothing at all, and Buffy’s life will change forever.”

The other cover for Buffy: Season 9 #8!!!
Simone and Andrew dig the Dollhouse vibe.

Georges Jeanty Slayalive Q/A for Buffy: Season 9 #4!!!
– Plenty of Scooby treats in here!

Russian Trailer for The Avengers Has New Footage!!!
– They got footage and we didn’t? Cold Wars get started over this kind of thing!!!

Just How Many Villains Does Joss Whedon’s Avengers Actually Have???
– It’s 2.5… or 4.5…. or was it 6.5? I’m pretty sure there was a “.5” in there.


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