In Dallas, Bill chastises Jessica for ordering human room service. “You are gonna be so sorry when I get an eating disorder,” Jessica cries before closing her suite-room door. Other than a quick phone call to boyfriend Hoyt, this week’s episode was sadly lacking in Jessica goodness. Here’s hoping the writers utilize this young talent more in future eps.

Of course Jessica isn’t the only female in Bill’s life to be asserting her independence. Sookie is also seeking empowerment. Tired of being a waitress, and a doormat, Sookie intends to use her mind reading to her financial advantage—and she hopes psychic bellhop Barry will follow her example. Unfortunately, poor Barry disappears before she can help him out.  Did he really quit the hotel, or is his removal the result of foul play? And while it’s refreshing to see a Sookie with a plan, this one seems full of risk. Will season three find Sookie shying away from Bill and his vamp friends?

In another part of Texas, Jason begins basic training with the army of undead-haters. “I just want to be a bank teller again,” cries one rotund recruit. Later, Soldier Luke fails to scale a fence and breaks down crying. Fortunately, Jesus—I mean, Jason—is there to save the day and lend Luke a helping hand.  Later, Sarah expresses her growing dissatisfaction with husband Steve before congratulating Jason on his achievement that day. Steve waylays Jason to show him a vampire weapons’ locker to make Buffy jealous and does some complaining of his own. In the end, Sister Sarah gets revenge on her trash-talking hubby by joining Jason for a sponge bath … and more. In case we missed the Mary Magdalene allusion, the show offers a biblical anecdote or two to make things clear. Yeah, we were with you on that one, Alan …

While the whole Jason is Jesus thing was fairly blatant, the audience could use a good bone being thrown at us when it comes to other storylines. Though Forbes’ Maryann is a pleasure to watch, the character’s machinations feel more tedious than terrifying because we don’t know the rules, or even what she’s ultimately seeking. After mojoing the staff at Merlotte’s into a verbal battle, Maryann scores an invite from Tara to stay at Sookie’s a while. While it’s believable that Tara, lacking a strong maternal figure or a true home, would succumb to Maryann’s charms, this reviewer is beginning to wonder what Maryann wants with Tara … and why it’s taking so damn long to achieve.  Can’t the supernatural awesomeness that is Maryann manipulate Tara, well, faster? On the plus side, Lafayette is back at work. Sam sweetly returns the cook’s job, but the new Lafayette is seriously down in the dumps. What did Eric do to him?

Speaking of our favorite blond vamp sheriff, Eric explodes at a meeting with Bill, Sookie and Godric’s goons. He is impatient with the lack of development on the case. Sookie reminds them all that she was attacked when she first landed in Dallas—is a traitor in the midst? Much to Bill’s dislike, Sookie offers to pose as a potential convert in order to infiltrate the Fellowship and gain insight into Godric’s whereabouts. All the Godric reminiscing inspires Eric to flash back to ancient times, when he had longer hair and a pulse. Near death and still wise cracking, Eric arouses the interest of a boy vampire, presumably the missing Godric. Promising to serve as Eric’s teacher and companion, Godric gives Eric the bite of death and life everlasting. What will happen when Eric re-meets his maker?

Happily, the ep ends with Bill and Sookie snuggling, but it seems trouble is coming for the mismatched lovers. And in this case trouble takes the form of Bill’s Civil-War era sire.  What will happen when Bill reunites with his maker? And will Jessica enjoy meeting “grandma”? Tune in next Sunday for everyone’s favorite family drama …

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