And gave the further explanation:
"This firmly picks up right after where S5 ended, and we can now show you what happened after that. Tony Harris will be doing all the covers for this book, and Franco Urru (who’s been drawing the Spike comic books in the past year)
will be drawing it. You can’t find anyone better to draw them. Joss had been resistant to go on with the show after ending it in such a good cliffhanger, and then he read Spike: Asylum, and loved it, and then he talked to
Brian and said, "If anyone can do this book, it’s you."";

Brian Lynch
Brian then stepped in to correct Chris, in that he had met Joss and gave him a copy of Spike: Asylum the day before it came out, "and then there was like a month when I didn’t hear from him, and I just thought,
‘He hated it!’ He then called me and said, ‘Let’s get together,’ and he had a bunch of ideas, and I had an idea or two, and we agreed in that they all died in the alley, and the fight was witnessed by a hobo, and how he dealt with it. It’s 15 issues of the hobo in therapy! Now, actually, they were fighting a fight they were going to lose, and this deals with the aftermath of that, with the fall of Team Angel and the fall of Wolfram & Hart.” Chris quipped, "It takes place in winter… because it’s after the fall.” (That’s geek humor for ya!)
Chris explained the story “will be told in 12+ issues, not to be cute, but probably because there’ll be a story arc, and then a bit of a break with some one-shots, the first one of which will be called “First Night”, but we haven’t discussed with Brian about what we’re going to do.” Brian elaborated that “there’ll be smaller stories, dealing with some characters that didn’t have such a big part in “After the Fall”, and they’ll be drawn by a bunch of different artists so that Franco gets a breather, as his work is very detailed.”
Then Brian answered questions from the audience. First off, he answered whether there’ll be any crossovers with the current S8 Buffy. Brian said “we could probably do it if I asked Joss enough times, but as we are right now, it doesn’t really need it much. I don’t think it’s impossible, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.” Brian reassured us that Spike “will be a part of After the Fall, but the focus is on Angel.” He didn’t want to give away much of what happens in the story, “but I could tell you stuff that doesn’t happen: Monster trucks! Chimp-Chimp is back, but completely different! You’ll see some characters you wanted to see again, and some you never wanted to see. You’ll see some and go, ‘I don’t know this guy!’ You’ll see some characters that are maybe fish-oriented…” At this point, massive cheering erupted over Betta George, a character introduced on Spike: Asylum that soon became a fan-favorite. “No, it’s not Betta George… Actually, that’s one of the few that Joss said, ‘We can put him in; I like him!’” So, in Brian’s words on his blog, "The Fish is canon!”
There was also the announcement of the new Doctor Who comic book series, to start in 2008, and Chris was gracious enough to show us some slides of sketches for the different characters that can be seen here and here. “David Tennant loves the style!” The books will be coming out in August 2008.