The conclusion to the Person of Interest trilogy brought the story from a whole new perspective, namely Control’s. Camryn Manheim returns with a view of Samaritan from the Relevant side.
We had a chance to talk to the cast of Person of Interest at San Diego Comi-Con including Jim Caviezel “Reese”, Michael Emerson “Harold Finch”, Kevin Chapman “Lionel Fusco”, Sarah Shahi “Shaw”, Amy Acker “Root” and executive producer Greg Plageman.
Those responsible for the Machine are put on trial by Vigilance while the rest of Team Machine tries to save them — in the middle of a New York City blackout.
SIX DEGREES OF GEEK is a production of Fandom Charities Inc.® , a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2007 for the purpose of raising funds for charitable organizations through fandom events, providing educational activities, and to serve as a hub for the latest news and happenings in the creative universe of selected fandoms. We are 100% volunteer.