Category: Movies & TV

A Behind the Scenes Telling of the Halloween Dr. Horrible Screening in Los Angeles

So, did you like the screening? We’ve noticed a few blogs, and a few YouTube posts, etc. around the net. Los Angeles’ first screening of The Guild and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog seems to have been a hit! As the Whedonopolis team begins to wind down and assume normal lives again, you’ll be able to see more posts here, from us, about the evening.

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Masks and Goggles: Dr. Horrible’s Halloween Charity Screening

Halloween Night in West Hollywood now has a new address – the Regency Fairfax Theater at the charity screening of Joss Whedon’s cyber hit Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. As early as 7:30 PM people, dressed in their Halloween best goggles-and-labcoat, were lined up outside the theater on a balmy Halloween night, ready for the big-screen debut not only of Dr. Horrible but also The Guild, another internet-only show. The prints for both Dr. Horrible and The Guide were produced by Whedonopolis’ own DVD author, Josh Rubinstein, as exclusive movie-sized open-caption prints along with karaoke-style lyrics so that those who have not committed the libretto to memory could still sing right along.

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Two Days, Two Joss: Comic-Con 2008 Blog Entry

Joss not singing at the Dr. Horrible panel was followed by Joss still not singing at the Dollhouse panel. There he appeared with Eliza Dushku and Tahmoh Penikett. Dollhouse looks intriguing, about the loss of memory and the search for souls, but without vampires, demons or spaceships. However, glass-covered coffin-like cryo-units are definitely involved.

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