Category: Movies & TV

TVWeek Discusses "Dollhouse" with Joss

In an article entitled, "Joss Whedon Returns to TV After ‘Dr. Horrible’," TVWeek had a sit down with Joss Whedon regarding Dollhouse as well as Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. They also look back at Buffy, Angel and Firefly a bit. They discuss the recent schedule changes for Dollhouse, among other things, and Joss doesn’t seem to worried about its new Friday night timeslot. Click the link above to read the entire article.


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Welcome to Whedonopolis 3.0!

Welcome to the latest incarnation of Whedonopolis, your source for Joss Whedon-related news, interviews, reviews and much more. We’ve changed the look and feel of our site to be less graphically intensive than the previous incarnation, with the goal that our new version be easier to use and more interactive. 

We’ve tried to retain several visual elements that keep us unique while making the content you come here for easier to find and access. 

So please, take a moment, look around and sign up to join the site. Once you’re signed up you can leave comments on our stories and post in our forums, all meant to make our site more interactive and engaging. 

We hope you like the new look and feel of Whedonopolis, and invite you to hit us up on the forums with any questions, comments or other feedback. Thanks for your patronage, and enjoy the site!

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SIX DEGREES OF GEEK is a production of Fandom Charities Inc.® , a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2007 for the purpose of raising funds for charitable organizations through fandom events, providing educational activities, and to serve as a hub for the latest news and happenings in the creative universe of selected fandoms. We are 100% volunteer.

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