Author: System Administrator

World Premiere of Justice League:Doom – Limited Free Tix

Warner Home Video, MTV Geek are presenting at the The Paley Center for Media in NYC World Premiere of Justice League: Doom, the next entry in the ongoing series of DC Universe Animated Original Movies, in New York City on February 13, 2012. Filmmakers and members of the voice cast will attend the event for red carpet media interviews and a post-screening panel discussion.  Justice League: Doom is the final DC Universe film script from the late Dwayne McDuffie and features Nathan Fillion, Alexis Denisof and Claudia Black.

A limited number of free tickets are available for the general public. Fans in the New York City area wishing to receive free tickets to the NY event on Feb. 13 must RSVP via [click thru for more information]

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Firefly and Star Trek: Cowboys In Space

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When the Science Channel ran Trek Nation last weekend, I noticed that Eugene Roddenberry, son of creator Gene Roddenberry, said that Star Trek was supposed to be “cowboys in space”, with Captain Kirk being the western hero, the Enterprise his horse, and the phaser his six-shooter. If it was just that, it wouldn’t have been the classic sci-fi phenomenon it is today. It started as a western, but dealt with humanity and deeper issues in its three year run.

But if Star Trek is “cowboys in space”, wouldn’t that also apply to Firefly and Serenity, which is clearly a space western that also discussed deeper issues? If you took the two shows side by side, they would have a lot in common, even though they looked at the future at different angles. More after the jump…

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ADVANCED Buffy: Season 9 #4 Review:


Listen up, Scoobies! My friend who works in the mailroom at Wolfram & Hart worked some dark mojo and snatched me an advanced copy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #4! Check out this special, spoiler-free review from the Comic Book Slayer! Issue #4 wraps up the first arc of Buffy’s latest season, and, while it has many satisfying and thrilling moments, there is a lack of a climax to the issue. But, don’t despair, Scoobies! Writer Andrew Chambliss leaves plenty of threads to pick up in the next arc!

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Buffy Season 8 Gets Hardcover Release


Series creator Joss Whedon brought Buffy the Vampire Slayer back to life with this comics-only follow-up to Season 7 of the television show. Now the wait is finally over for Buffy fanatics everywhere as Dark Horse announces the deluxe, oversized, dust-jacketed hardcover collection of Buffy Season 8!

This hardcover edition contains exclusive, never-before-seen …… (click through)

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