Author: System Administrator

An Afternoon With the People Behind SKINWALKERS, Part I – Jason Behr Interview

Skinwalkers is a new movie from Lionsgate Films that opens today, starring Jason Behr (Ford on Buffy’s “Lie to Me”), Natassia Malthe (Gadreel on Fallen), Shawn Roberts and Rhona Mitra. It tells the story of two packs of Skinwalkers, creatures who, based on Navajo mythology, possess the power to change from human to werewolf, move and kill at lightning speed. The packs are divided between those who found a way to resist the searing urge to hunt and others who have embraced their bloodlust. The packs clash, as Varek (Behr’s character) seeks to annihilate Timothy (Matthew Knight), a boy in the other pack that will assume the unique power to end the werewolf curse once the red moon is full. Timothy’s family will do everything in their power to protect him.

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The "Fallen" Trilogy: Good Family Entertainment

Last year, ABC Family Channel showed part 1 of the Fallen trilogy, based on the books written by Thomas Sniegoski (co-author with Christopher Golden of the first run of Angel comics, in addition to other tie-in novels to the Buffy/Angelverse) and this year they showed the rest of the story, in a trilogy that took up all three nights this past weekend.

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SDCC 2007: IDW Dishes "Angel: After the Fall" and Previews "Doctor Who" Comics

IDW’s Editor-in-Chief, Chris Ryall, was in charge of the presentation of all the new stuff IDW has coming out in the upcoming months, giving special emphasis to Angel: After the Fall, the upcoming Season 6 written by Brian Lynch under supervision of the man himself, Joss Whedon. Chris showed a slide of the last scene of Angel S5, with Angel, Gunn, Spike and Illyria in the alley, in the pouring rain, about to face off with the forces of Wolfram & Heart, The slide gave way to massive applause, which caused him to quip, “So, I see some of you remember Angel after all”, to general laughter. He then showed a slide for the cover of the first book:


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Comic-Con ’07 – Day 1: SUPERMAN: DOOMSDAY Interviews

Late on the first day of Comic-Con 2007, the people behind Superman: Doomsday gave interviews regarding the whole process of turning the most successful Superman comic book in history into an animated movie, from the script and voice casting to direction. We got the chance to sit in roundtables with voice director Andrea Romano and screenwriter Duane Capizzi, and go one-on-one with director Brandon Vietti to find out how it all came together. This is what we found out.

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SDCC 2007: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

On the Saturday of Comic-Con, I spent nearly the entirety of the day in one room, 6CDEF. I was there mainly to see the Supernatural and Pushing Daises panels (both of which rocked). I was happy to see that, also in this room, was the panel for The Sarah Connor Chronicles starring Summer Glau. Being a fan of the first two Terminator movies (I still have yet to see the third), I was intrigued as to how the Terminator mythos would translate into a weekly series. Please note, this article includes some spoilers, so if you hate spoilers, please stop reading now.

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SIX DEGREES OF GEEK is a production of Fandom Charities Inc.® , a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2007 for the purpose of raising funds for charitable organizations through fandom events, providing educational activities, and to serve as a hub for the latest news and happenings in the creative universe of selected fandoms. We are 100% volunteer.

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