Author: System Administrator

Press and Cattle: Comic-Con 2008 Blog Entry

Exhibit A – the Hall H press cattle pen, where market press-beef are kept shoulder-to-strap, with the worst possible sightlines of the stage (during the panel for The Watchmen), whilst staff photographers are allowed the premium photog spots exclusively. This kind of discrimination will probably do nothing to increase goodwill when faced with the sight of on-coming redshirts, now seen patrolling in twos and threes. Red shirts caught patrolling alone might be a mite uncomfortable in the fearing-for-their-life category. And this is only the Second Day. By Sunday, the revolution should be well underway, if Comic Con were to live up to the subversive sensibility it is visually famous for.

One red shirted tyrant in Ballroom 20 may have been put in his place for the time being, but the correction may be temporary, as he patrols the aisles, ever on the lookout for anyone leaving so much as a shoelace out of line. Anyone carrying a camera must, of course, be shot. And the mess swept up just as soon as possible.

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SDCC 2008: Doctor Who and Torchwood

The first full day of Comic Con saw a British invasion of sorts as new Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat and outgoing executive producer Julie Gardner presented, followed by a discussion of Torchwood with Gardner and cast members John Barrowman, Gareth David Lloyd, and Naoko Mori. As you may know, Anthony Head has been on Doctor Who and James Marsters was on Torchwood last season. Steven Moffat and Julie Gardner were introduced to the packed Ballroom 20 crowd to thunderous applause. Once seated, the moderator started with a few questions of his own before giving the floor to audience members.

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Comic-Con 2008: William Katt Interview

William Katt eases his lanky frame into his chair at the Catastrophic Comics booth near the center of the massive San Diego Convention Center. It’s Day 1 of Comic-Con and he’s already addressed an enthusiastic panel of fans to announce the launch of the latest Catastrophic title and met with journalists from TV and print media, but still graciously took a few minutes to talk to Whedonopolis.

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Comic-Con 2008: Doctor Who & Torchwood Interviews

On a bright and sunny Wednesday afternoon before the full onslaught of Comic-Con, this reporter braved the early crowds and burgeoning traffic to a nice San Diego harborside location. We had the opportunity to speak to Steven Moffat from Doctor Who and Julie Gardner and Naoko Mori from Torchwood in roundtables and find out what the future holds for the shows as well as the three people behind them.

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Preview Night: Comic-Con 2008 Blog Entry

It is now the Edge of Tedium to mention the early-bird crowds already clogging the streets of the Convention Center sidewide and Gas Lamp District on Wednesday Night at Comic Con in San Diego, but it has to be said in an admittedly vain attempt to prevent more attendees from doing the sardine boogie in the aisles. Early shopping was the order of the day, and for the newbies, and there were a few, a first real taste of the happy insanity that is the largest con in the Western Hemisphere. Today, the first official day of the con, will be a test of the increased registration personnel enthusiastically waving their arms to get attendees registered and on their merry way to panels, meetings and shopping. The exhibit hall this year is dominated by a giant Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade size balloon of Pokemon and more (and various) giant bags given out by Warner Brothers. And the giant purple Big Frakkin’ Bags given out by SciFi Channel. Honest, it says Big Frakkin’ Bag in big white letters.

Fresh off the John Barrowman booksigning, there will be Dr. Who and Torchwood panels, BSG panels, The Day The Earth Stood Still and Dexter. So, armed with a brand new camera, this iguana is off to forage in the well-illustrated jungle of the 2008 SDCC.

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