Author: System Administrator

A Behind the Scenes Telling of the Halloween Dr. Horrible Screening in Los Angeles

So, did you like the screening? We’ve noticed a few blogs, and a few YouTube posts, etc. around the net. Los Angeles’ first screening of The Guild and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog seems to have been a hit! As the Whedonopolis team begins to wind down and assume normal lives again, you’ll be able to see more posts here, from us, about the evening.

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Masks and Goggles: Dr. Horrible’s Halloween Charity Screening

Halloween Night in West Hollywood now has a new address – the Regency Fairfax Theater at the charity screening of Joss Whedon’s cyber hit Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. As early as 7:30 PM people, dressed in their Halloween best goggles-and-labcoat, were lined up outside the theater on a balmy Halloween night, ready for the big-screen debut not only of Dr. Horrible but also The Guild, another internet-only show. The prints for both Dr. Horrible and The Guide were produced by Whedonopolis’ own DVD author, Josh Rubinstein, as exclusive movie-sized open-caption prints along with karaoke-style lyrics so that those who have not committed the libretto to memory could still sing right along.

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