Author: System Administrator

New York Times: Internet Chain Letter Spreads to Celebrities

In a New York Times article entitled, "Ah, Yes, More About Me? Here Are ‘25 Random Things’", they discusses the latest chain letter phenomenon spreading across the internet, most notably Facebook, in which people post 25 random facts about themselves. Jim Beaver (of Supernatural) gets mentioned as having taken part in the exercise, and wrote his own list which includes having lived through two typhoons. Read more by clicking the link above.

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Buddy TV: "Smallville" and "Supernatural" both Take Breaks after This Week

According to an article on BuddyTV entitled, "‘Smallville,’ ‘Supernatural’ Take a Break After This Week", they talk about how both CW shows — each with various Whedon ties — are taking a break after this week’s episodes. They surmise that the break is due to the revised sweeps period, and both shows are supposed to return on March 5th. Click the link above to read the entire article.

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