Armin Shimerman (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Trek: Deep Space 9) called in to Whedonopolis for a phone interview earlier today (Nov. 17) so he could tell us all about his part in Diani & Divine Meet the Apocalypse (DDMTA)(check out the Kickstarter campaign) as well as other projects.
Armin, who serves as a mentor to Gabriel Diani at The Antaes Company, “told him it was a great idea to publicize himself and to do projects, and he went out and took my advice and now I’m part of [DDMTA].” And he says, “as usual, I’m playing a not-so-nice character.”
Many Whedonopolis readers will know Armin as Principal Snyder from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but he’s also well known for his role as Quark on Star Trek: Deep Space 9. When asked which fans are more enthusiastic, he said that although the DS9 fans are more numerous, we come out about even in dedication. “I think people are equally committed to their shows,” he says.
Among the questions from twitter, one person asked which superhero Armin would choose to be. He says, “If there’s a hero that’s able to go back in time, that’s the one I think I would like to be. Just because I’m such a Shakespeare scholar… so if there’s a hero with that super power, that’s the one I would like to be.” Whedonopolis suggested we start a campaign for him to play Doctor Who.
Speaking of campaigns, there are only five days left in the Kickstarter campaign for Diani and Devine Meet the Apocalypse and they’re still over $40,000 away from their goal. You can give as little as a dollar, so if you want this hilarious movie to be made, go donate now!
Armin’s other upcoming projects include a play called The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Leo Tolstoy which will begin rehearsals next week, finishing his fourth novel about Elizabethan times, and continuing to teach Shakespeare, primarily at The Antaes Company, but also in other locations around Los Angeles. Armin is one of the Associate Artistic Directors and on the Board of Directors of The Antaes Company in North Hollywood where he mentors younger actors (such as Gabriel Diani). He also serves as a chair on the Screen Actors Guild Foundation which gives scholarships to needy people.
Listen to the interview with your own ears in the video below. To learn more about Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse visit And be sure to look out for an interview with Harry Groener talking about his part in the film in the coming days.