Husbands The Series, called the "first marriage equality comedy," comes from creators Jane Espenson and Brad Bell. Staring Brad Bell as Cheeks, Sean Hemeon as Brady Kelly and Alessandra Torresani (Caprica) as Haley. Produced by M. Elizabeth Hughes and directed by Jeff Greenstein who shares the executive producer title with Espenson and Bell.
I found the writing sharp and funny, just what we Whedon fans have come to expect from those who have worked with him. The humour crosses all boundaries and so much is packed into just 2 minutes. I’ve said for years that the way for fans to get the product we want is to support the creators of product we like by buying directly from them. So here’s your chance folks. Show your support by telling everyone you know (and you do it too) to follow the show on twitter at @teamhusbands and “Like” them on Facebook at HusbandsTheSeries
While we know Jane from her history writing for Buffy, Firefly, Dollhouse, Battlestar Galactica, Torchwood, and Game of Thrones, Jeff has written for Dream On, Friends, Will and Grace, and Desperate Housewives. Brad, aka Cheeks, is primarily known for his work on web projects that appear at his YouTube channel, GoCheeksGo.
"Cheeks and I combine web and television backgrounds, " says Jane Espenson, "and adding Nathan Fillion and Michael Buckley continues that pattern. We are so proud of Husbands and we wanted to include people whom we love and respect — from both worlds — in the process."
"In a matter of years, people will forget there was once a difference between television and the web," says Cheeks. "Right now, though, there’s still a distinction and we’re trying to draw from the best of both."
"Husbands The Series" launches Episodes 3 and 4 on September 20th and 22nd, 2011 at Fillion and Buckley appear in Episode 3. The series is available for viewing at HusbandsTheSeries with new episodes appearing every Tuesday and Thursday.
Click here to listen to our interview with the talent of Husbands the Series